Please join us at the Southern Field Days at Waimunu at Site 526 from the14th - 16th February 2024. We will have Chemical, Seed and Crop Specialists available during the 3 days so you can find out about growing, cultivating, and protecting a widening range of new...
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Sunflowers for Seed
A paddock of Sunflowers growing for seed. In the next couple weeks this paddock will be looking an absolute picture.
Choy Sum Thriving
The pod set is looking good in this Choy Sum in Southland.
Red beet bolting in Northern Southland
Red beet bolting under fantastic weather conditions today in Northern Southland. Making the most of the good weather while it lasts.
Lucerne Spraying
Lucerne spraying is just around the corner so now is the time to get in touch with me for your chemical requirements. Better to be ahead of the game ! Scott Nicholson 027 227 1360
Eye Catching Red Beet
As soon as you pull up at the gate this Red Beet is very eye catching. It will be one of those crops worth following through its growth stages. Some great weather in early July has meant this Red Beet is enjoying it as much as we are. May 2022 - red beet Start of July...
Dry Matter Testing is Important
Crop weighing well under way. Some respectable weight's coming through. Getting a DM (dry matter) test is important for a more accurate record for feed budgeting.
Seed Dressing underway in Southland
This machine does an awesome job of the seed dressing and chemical application in a one shop truck stop. Please get in touch if you're needing any seed dressing done and I will get you sorted. Scott mb 0274544742